Star Kevin Hart tells an inspirational story about his throwback photo

kevinhart4realI just want to take a moment to scream out "I LOVE U MOMMA".....My brother just sent me this picture & it buckled me. I will never forget where I come from....I am who I am today because of the environment that I was raised in. My mom did the best that she could with what she had and in my opinion she did a damn good job!!!!! That's my Bed sitting across from the kitchen stove....My moms bed was a little further down. Me & my brother had bunk beds for the longest. When he went to the army I was sad and happy at the same time....I was happy because I got to call this section of the house "My Room"....North Philadelphia until I die "15TH & Erie to be exact"....I love my city!!!!#Blessed #NeverForget #iPutOnForMyCity#phillybred #WhatNow#HittingTheatersOct14TH#ComedicRockStarShit 

Kevin Hart is the highest paid comedian in the world right now but he still works harder than any other actor/comedian.
I was introduced to his stand up comedy by a friend years ago and I must admit that I was one of those people who thought he was just ok...alright.
Even though, I still couldn't get enough of him and today, I can testify that no one cracks me up like Kevin Hart does.
I guess it's true what they say about doubters becoming believers.
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